Monday, November 19, 2012

My personnal statistics

Hi everyone !
After we have seen about the ROI, this weekend is about our statistics in social media. I will talk about my blog and Twitter but not about Facebook, because I don't use my real account so it's not relevant.

My blog:
Pageviews all time history: 271
More about my audience:
- About my pageviews by countries, my blog is mostly visited by Americans (7), but also by one person from Germany, one by, Ireland, One by South Korea and one from Netherlands.
- To see my blog, my audience use two operating systems: Windows and Macintosh
- On these operating systems, the people who visit my blog use different borwsers:
Tweets: 11
Follows: 41
Followers: 22

Monday, November 12, 2012

How we can measure social media return on investment

Last week in class we talk about how much does SM costs and how measure the return on investment.

Indeed, even if there is not an "explicite"price in using social media for business, it still costs time, salary, equipment, technology, and opportunity cost.

So we have to measure the ROI to see if all these costs are not for nothing, to see our results and our effectiveness. We have to see the difference between the gain from investment less the cost of investment.
For that, we can use several information like eye balls (followers, repost, likes, retweets) sales values, retail store traffic, mentions etc. And we can also use some tools like click through rate, the search engine, analytics.

For example with our blog, there are several tools to see that with the audience, the traffic sources, the overview to know how many people have seen our blog, more about them, etc.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Hi !

This is the link for my video on youtube:

Enjoy !

Twitter chat

Last wednesday for Halloween we didn't have class but we had to do a twitter chat.

I don't use Twitter, I just have an account because in one of my internship I had to follow golf players but that's it. So it was the first time I used the twitter chat and it was nice, but when we are many people it's hard to follow all the answers, especially when some people answer several minutes after and with the tweets of other people we follow.

So I think it's nice to answer to some tweets but not for a real chat, to have a real conversation with several people it's better to use Skype or even now Facebook, because it's easier to answer and to follow the conversation.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Case study : Social Media Campaigns

This week, we should had a speaker in our class and to talk about that in our blog. But unfortunately, he couldn't come, so we had to do a case study in group.

In mine, we were three and we had to talk in answering to some questions about Zappos and its Social Media Campaigns. When we had finished, we had to present our case between everybody (I am still not very comfortable with presentations but I didn't have a lot of choice) and now, I'm here to talk about what this case brought me.

What did I learn after this case ?
First of all I didn't know zappos before this case. We have a similar website in France called Zalando (kind of similar name as well) so with Internet and the increase of the online shopping there is more and more website like that.
About it social media campaigns, we saw that they use several social medias but we talked more about facebook and the company use it. I think it's a very appropriate social media for Zappos, because we can say that their target customers are between 22 and 35, are at ease with Internet, and most of these people are in Facebook. So I learn more about the difference for a company between some people who like it page and the people who talk about it, which is going to have more influence on their friends. Indeed, it's current, it shows an investment about your friend so you will think "it should worth it" and easier go on the page. And to finish I learn some tricks that use Zappos to interact and win trusts with its customers or prospects on its page, like for example to publish a customer experience on their website to remind they have 365 days return.

So it was a nice case that help me to see in practice what some of the things that we have studied in "the social media bible" and classes of course since the beginning.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hi !

Our class today was about RSS and bookmarking, but also about Twitter. I 've already had an account but I used it just for one of my internship to follow some golf players. So I'm not very good in using this social media but I'm going to learn now.

So our homework for next week is to follow in Twitter 5 people or organizations and now I'm going to explain why I choose to follow them.

Media & Marketing:
This tweet is about Media agency, marketing, advertising and entertainment news from The Wall Street Journal. So follow it can help me to build my brand in being inform about the last news marketing strategies of the others companies on the market.

ABC news:
There is a lot of Twitters about news but I choose to follow ABC news because it's a very famous news deliver and I think it gives good information about everything, and it's very important to be updated about what is happen all around the world.

Apple, Redbull
I choose to follow some famous companies to see how they use the social medias and if I would like to build a brand I will choose companies in the same area as my brand to see what do the competition.

Finally, I choose to keep an eye on the twitters of my school in France like that I can see some teachers interviews, some news about the masters, etc.


Hello everyone !

So for this week we had to join two communities that we can legitimately benefit from joining. I choose to be an "expert" in to be a foreign student in UCR for one quarter mores specifically a french foreign student. So my two discussions are about travelling in California.

The first one was in TripAdvisor, a very famous community for travels. I Ask about a good and cheap hotel for 5 students in Los Angeles and I had several answers, in my discussion (13 replies) and in private messages (3 messages). I thank them and replies to some questions. Now I have some good Hotel for our trip in November!

The second one was in a less famous community, Frommers about the best and cheaper way to go from Union Station to Lax and I had 3 replies for know.

So it was a good experience and it will help me for my future travels to discover more about California !

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Social Media Campaign


 I will still answer to some questions (I will have some every weeks) so I take some time between two series to response and stop dreaming about the bitch where we were yesterday because today, is a work day (ok and a rest day because unfortunately, we can't move every day... Anyway!)
So :

Why it is important to market yourself?
I think it's very important to market ourself because we are a "product" in the work market so as a product we have to sell our qualifications, our personality, our network or our ideas. It is important to show our value and it can do a difference for our future, to give us a competitive advantage face to the others workers.
To do that, we can use the social media as we see in class because today a lot of companies "google" the people before hired them. So it's good to use different social media as linkedIn to show our good networks, the communities with relevant interventions in relations to our job, twitter etc.

How can you build your brand online?
To have brand recognition, you can build your brand online and use a very fast and cheap means: the social media. Indeed, you can do a page on Facebook like that all your friends can share it, a Twitter account, put a video on Youtube etc. All theese social networks can help you to share your logo and all the informations about your company and your products/services.

More about Social Media

Hi everyone! We are going to answer to two more questions today:

What do you think is Social Media?
 I think Social Media is a way of communication which use the technology and the interactions between the people. With Social Media, we can communicate very fast about whatever we want, so we can use it for personal and for professional reasons too. Indeed, it allows to communicate an information with less costs and we can choose a lot of way to do that with various social networks (facebook, blog, twitter etc).
But before using Social Media, we have to consider some limits.
Indeed, we have no control about what people can put on them and we have to be careful to mistakes when you publish something, because you can't take it back. Finally, there is some issues of security when you use Social Media.
So Social Media is a very good average for the quickly communication of various information but to use carefully.

Why are social Networks important in the marketing mix?
The marketing mix is composed about 4 parts:
Product, Price, Place, Promotion
With the place of social networks in the society today, it has an important place in the marketing mix in my opinion to make the promotion of a product, its price and its place if we want. Indeed, the social networks are part of Social Media and as we have seen before, it's a good way of communication for the company so a good way for the product's promotion.
And we can say too that with the interaction between people about subjects like bying a product, it can allow to answer directly to questions, or to win a good image by the good recommandations of people. But it can also have the opposite effect.

To be continued....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog in live from Riverside!

I'm Chloe, a french student (so please be indulgent with my english) and I'm going to study in UCR for one quarter. During theese three months, I will participate to 4 classes ( from the monday to the wednesday to have time to travel, meet some people, etc... so to enjoy too the student life!) : Marketing practice and principles, Introduction to international Business, International Marketing and of course, Social media Marketing. For the last one, we are doing (as you can see) a blog to help us during our class so here I am!

For our first post, we have to asnwer to some questions:
1) The reason I took this last course is because today, social media as marketing are every where, separatly but together as well. I've already studied a lot of Marketing in France and seen some companies using Social Media I and would like to learn more about it.
2) In this class, I hope to get out of a new vision about the Social Media more "professional" and to be able to use them effictively in my future in using good Marketing strategy for that. It's interesting as weel to see how companies try to join us, the little people, by this new way.
3) And about how I plan to apply what I learn from this class, it can of join us what I hope to get out of it. And I would like to do a Marketing Major when I will be back in France so this class can help me to know an other way of Marketing, which is a very large area.

I hope this post will help you to understand more about me, UCR and of course Social Media Marketing. Thanks !