Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog in live from Riverside!

I'm Chloe, a french student (so please be indulgent with my english) and I'm going to study in UCR for one quarter. During theese three months, I will participate to 4 classes ( from the monday to the wednesday to have time to travel, meet some people, etc... so to enjoy too the student life!) : Marketing practice and principles, Introduction to international Business, International Marketing and of course, Social media Marketing. For the last one, we are doing (as you can see) a blog to help us during our class so here I am!

For our first post, we have to asnwer to some questions:
1) The reason I took this last course is because today, social media as marketing are every where, separatly but together as well. I've already studied a lot of Marketing in France and seen some companies using Social Media I and would like to learn more about it.
2) In this class, I hope to get out of a new vision about the Social Media more "professional" and to be able to use them effictively in my future in using good Marketing strategy for that. It's interesting as weel to see how companies try to join us, the little people, by this new way.
3) And about how I plan to apply what I learn from this class, it can of join us what I hope to get out of it. And I would like to do a Marketing Major when I will be back in France so this class can help me to know an other way of Marketing, which is a very large area.

I hope this post will help you to understand more about me, UCR and of course Social Media Marketing. Thanks !